Monday 20 July 2009

Genesis by Stan Tracey

Last Saturday night at 10.15 I did something I haven't done for a very long time (if ever) on a Saturday night. I listened to the radio - Radio 3 no less.
It was live from the Proms, Stan Tracey and his orchestra playing his 1987 (?) masterpiece Genesis.
I love this piece of music. I first heard it in Durham Cathedral round about 1989. I bought the record (vinyl) a listened to it quite a bit. I haven't heard it for a long time. My record player broke years ago and I haven't bothered to replace it, mistakenly believing that new audio technology is better.
The Radio 3 broadcast gave me the real live thrill. The soloists were outstanding and the ensemble playing of the orchestra (which presumably had just been assembled for this occasion) was incredibly tight.
I had searched the TV listings and was initially annoyed that this concert was not televised as some of the Proms concerts are, but in the event I was glad that I listened on radio. The sound quality was superb and there were no visual distractions. I just concentrated on the music and was transported to jazz heaven.

1 comment:

  1. Yes really great stuff.
    A question Dave.
    What can you tell me about Wearside jazz? i.e. The White Room, the jam session at West Rainton and any other sessions that may have escaped me? Lance (Bebop Spoken Here).
